Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Rose Red

Welcome Ink Drinkers,

Today I announce the release of my new novel, Rose Red.  Here's the synopsis:

You can't buy a girl!

But in the year 2214, you can. She can whip you into shape, design your diet, be your personal stylist, and turn you from geek to chic in just one year.  After buying a model at Sleeping Beauty Inc. your life will never be the same. 

But what will happen when the model Harrison buys isn't exactly what he bargained for?

Okay, it's not a new novel.  It's been around for over ten years, but now it's in paperback format.  It had a lot of very heavy editing in order to be prepared for its paperback edition.  So, if you enjoyed it the first time around, you'll really enjoy it the second time.

Within myself, I categorize my novels under two columns.  On one side, I write serious novels that have depth and complexity and on the other, I write stuff that's just fun, fun, and more fun.  It could also be described as some of my books have blood splatter and some don't.  I do like to get a bit of blood on the walls.  

The Serious Books:

His 16th Face

Behind His Mask: The First Spell Book

Hidden Library: The Second Spell Book

The Blood that Flows

Kiss of Tragedy

The Silly Books:

If I Tie U Down

Whenever You Want

Rose Red

A Little Like Scarlett: A Partial Autobiography

When I sell books in person, I tend to sell the serious ones better and I have a really hard time selling the silly ones.  However, as soon as my back is turned and people on the internet can do whatever they want without being watched, my silly books get picked up like crazy.  My two most popular books, 'Whenever You Want' and 'Kiss of Tragedy', don't match up in download figures.  WYW kicks the crap out of KOT and, honestly, KOT is better. 

And then there are the ARCs.  Those are the Advanced Reader Copies I give out to get reviews in the ebook stores.  I did quite well with His 16th Face.  A handful of people who didn't sign up for the ARC left sparkling reviews.  H16F is one of my very best books.  It's a delight.  I read it for fun.  However, the reader response for If I Tie U Down was poor.  There are scads of discrepancies.  This book gets more notice here, and that one gets more notice there.  This book was successful in this way and that one was a failure in that way.  WHY ALL THE DIFFERENCES?

We've actually hit on the reason authors use more than one pen name.  The audience grows to expect certain things from their author.  People who have read Whenever You Want and enjoyed it will LOVE If I Tie U Down.  They will be delighted from cover to cover.  However, if you're expecting mind-bending creativity, you'll have to wait for If Diamonds Could Talk (the sequel to His 16th Face).  Otherwise, you'll have to enjoy a romantic comedy that asks for nothing from you.  

That's what Rose Red is.  It's mildly creative.  I use unusual elements to bring the story together and make strange things work alongside each other.  But at its heart, it's a warm story about how much a woman is worth even if she costs a fortune and never makes a penny.  

It's available now on Amazon and Smashwords.  It will appear on more and more sites as the days go on.  

Here's the Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1990217036/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Rose+Red+by+Stephanie+Van+Orman&qid=1626216232&sr=8-1

And here's the link to the YouTube trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoz1GJjn4so

Enjoy!  Love is all around the world, especially if you like to drink ink!


Dictionary of Characters

Sometimes, I think something like what I'm about to do would be useful, so I have made these before, but this time I'm going to post...