Three months ago, I wrote that I was all excited because Galatea had offered me a publishing contract for this book. I was over the moon because their reading application seemed to be of a higher quality than a lot of the other apps I get offers from.
Here's a list of complaints I have about the contracts offered by the other apps:
- They want the stories to be over 200,000 words. A book becomes a novel when it hits 40,000 words. It takes an incredible amount of material to make something 200,000 words long. I have written only one thing over 200,000 words long. That was my Mark of a Dragon trilogy, and I'm not certain I have any interest in writing anything else that long for the rest of my life.
- They want updates every day. That either means cutting stories up into teeny, tiny, bite-sized pieces, or it means churning out stuff that's only purpose is to perpetuate itself.
- They want you to hand over TV and movie rights as part of the contract and they are paying you a song for your work. That means that if your story ever did hit the big time, and get made into a movie, you wouldn't get a penny for writing it.
- They won't show you how many people are reading your work or how popular it is.
- They want exclusive rights, so only they can host your story, and they are only willing to pay you dimes for the privilege.
Anyway... I used to think I just needed to become a better writer in order to succeed. I don't think that anymore. Instead, I think there might not be a place where people want the kind of romance novel I write in the commercial world.
Whatever, I'll do what I want.
Whenever I Want. HA!