Saturday, November 18, 2023

Born in January

Hi Ink Drinkers,

Sometimes, I don't write a novel.  Sometimes, I write a novelette.  What is a novelette?  Basically, it's what beginner writers write when they think they're writing a novel.  It's very unfortunate to be the one to tell them that 17,000 words is not a novel.  It is not even half of a novel.  It hurts their feelings terribly because a novelette is a really good length for a particular kind of story.  

I enjoy writing them in the extreme.  I love them because I can drop an idea that is not a full novel and have the satisfaction of communicating my idea without having to turn it into a full-fledged masterpiece.  

A full novel has side characters with whole story arches.  It has a complex world with rules.  It has multiple adventures for the MC has to go on.  Frankly, it has closets.  My books always have closets full of clothes and the clothes have to be talked about and sometimes... that wears me out.  Tee hee!  I have a bible for Octavia Girl.  That's right.  That book has so many characters that I have to have a little book with a tab in it for every friggin character.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love Octavia Girl.  That thing  is going to be five books long, which will make it the longest thing I have ever written, but... sometimes it is sure nice to write something smaller.

I like to think of L.M. Montgomery.  Sure, she wrote novels, but she also wrote scads of tiny things.  The tiny things she wrote are so fabulous.  I have a huge stack of her short story anthologies.  Some of her best work was in short stories.  

I want to write more of them.  

Here's the deal with Born in January and where you can read it.  Today, I finished posting it on:



Royal Road:

Later today, I'll start posting it to other sites like GooglePlay Books, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, AppleBooks, and the like.  NOT AMAZON.  I do not put my novelettes on Amazon because they will need to be in an anthology for that.  That way I can print a chonky book to put on my shelf.  Later.  I need more of these.  I need it to be at least 120K for that. 

Thanks for reading, Ink Drinkers!

I'll see you soon!


Independent Novelist

Dictionary of Characters

Sometimes, I think something like what I'm about to do would be useful, so I have made these before, but this time I'm going to post...