Monday, May 14, 2018

The Warm Stair

The phenomenon I am referring to is when you walk down (or up) your carpeted stairs and one of steps is warm on the bottom of your foot. It happens because my cat, Storm, likes to stretch out his whole body on one of the stairs and then he gets spooked and moves a few seconds before I start climbing the staircase, thus leaving a warm stair.

Sometimes I feel bad for my little Storm, fearing that he's not really happy. He's obviously a wild creature. He's a medium hair and quite large, even though he isn't yet two years old. He has a ruff and camouflage markings. He would blend into the forest and prowl and pounce, but instead... he lives with me and he must sit on a cushion and watch the forest from the comfort of the cushion. He isn't allowed to go outside. He dreams about birds, but isn't allowed to chase them.

This way, I save on worm medication. Actually, that's one of my life goals. Not to need worm medicine. So far, so good!

But I digress.

Sometimes Storm is still waiting on the stairs as I approach and he has this look on his face like he's surprised to see me there. It sort of reminds me of when you saw a boy loitering outside your house and then he pretends he's surprised to see you when you come out of your own house. “Fancy meeting you here!” Or when you literally bump into a boy you've been trying to bump into around that particular corner. “Eek, he touched me!” Even though from the boy's perspective, it was a hundred percent accidental. I think Storm has those moments of sudden joy when I'm around with his tiny feline heart beating wildly. Cats particularly like their contact to seem accidental.

He's a sweet boy. He likes to chase bugs that somehow get into the house. I'll see an ant (BTW ants are enormous here), Storm is chasing it and batting it back and forth. He seems engaged and I think he's finally going to start earning his keep, when suddenly, he loses interest completely and wanders off to loll about on the stairs. The ant walks away like he's so evolved he can let an attack like that slide.

And I am not egocentric enough to believe that my cat has a more complex relationship with me than that ant. He was probably also thrilled when he saw the ant scuttle across the checked floor. Bat, pat, bat with his paw and then the mood left him and he'd rather sleep or snooze or snore. It's the same for me. I pet him and rub behind his ears, and then boom, he's bored and he goes to the foot of the bed to put some space between us. He'll give me a nice slow blink, like he loves me, but prefers it if I don't touch him.

He also likes to stretch out on the stairs at night in the dark. That's when I'm the ant. He's gonna catch me.

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