Saturday, July 20, 2024

Dictionary of Characters

Sometimes, I think something like what I'm about to do would be useful, so I have made these before, but this time I'm going to post it online since I seem to do a better job of keeping track of my documents that way.  I would also like to say that this is not a complete list.  It is merely a list of the primary characters that I can remember off the top of my head.  The leads are getting marked.  I hope you enjoy!


Alexander - Whatever You Want

Axel - If Diamonds Could Talk

Antony - Hidden Library

Apostate - Sleeping Prince

Armen - Beauty of Ares

Annaliese - Born in January

Aaron - Blog Entries of the Brokenhearted


Blanche - Kiss of Tragedy

Beth/Bethany - His 16th Face

Brandon - His 16th Face

Bobby - If Diamonds Could Talk

Benediction - Sleeping Prince

Beck/Beckett - Beauty of Ares

Blueleg - Heart's Key

Bart - Born in January


Christina - Whenever You Want

Colin - Whenever You Want

Cerise - Kiss of Tragedy

Carly - Behind His Mask

Christian - His 16th Face

Charles - His 16th Face

Clementine - Hidden Library

Carver - If I Tie U Down

Cinni - Sleeping Prince

Charcoal - Beauty of Ares

Cassica - Beauty of Ares

Carlos - Beauty of Ares

Crimp - Octavia Girl

Conrad - Octavia Girl

Celestina - Octavia Girl

Careen - The Land of Umbrellas


Dominic - Whenever You Want

Dudley - The Blood That Flows

Derrach - Behind His Mask

Dante - Sleeping Prince


Evander - Behind His Mask

Excelyn - Octavia Girl


Fiona - Kiss of Tragedy

Falon - Rose Red

Felicity-Ann - His 16th Face

Faire-Isle - Hidden Library

Fletch/Fletcher - If I Tie U Down

Favel - Octavia Girl

Fallcet - Octavia Girl

Faydra - Heart's Key

Fayette - The House With Two Halves


Gibson - His 16th Face

Gage - Sleeping Prince

Gavin - The Land of Umbrellas


Helona - Kiss of Tragedy

Harrison - Rose Red

Hattie - Hidden Library

Heratic - Sleeping Prince

Hessia - Beauty of Ares


Intarsia - Hidden Library

Iona - Sleeping Prince

Invocation - Beauty of Ares


Juliet - Kiss of Tragedy

June - Hidden Library

Jenna - Octavia Girl

Josh - Octavia Girl

John - Blog Entries of the Brokenhearted


Kalavan - Behind His Mask

Keziah - Rose Red

Kimberley - Born in January

Kerry - Blog Entries of the Brokenhearted


Laura - Whenever You Want

London - The Blood That Flows

Loring - Behind His Mask

Lance - His 16th Face

Leviticus - Sleeping Prince

Lisbet - Beauty of Ares

Lucy - Octavia Girl

Lou - Octavia Girl

Leander - Heart's Key

Lindsay - The Land of Umbrellas


Mark - Whenever You Want

Murmur - Behind His Mask

Marshall - The Blood That Flows

Misha - Octavia Girl

Mirr - Octavia Girl

Muriel - Tiny Wishes

Marissa - The Land of Umbrellas


Nixie - Kiss of Tragedy

Narissa - Rose Red

Natalie - If I Tie U Down


Osric - Rose Red

Olivine - Sleeping Prince

Oliver - The Land of Umbrellas


Paulo - Kiss of Tragedy

Pierce - The Blood That Flows

Paige - Rose Red

Pricina - His 16th Face

Pearl - Hidden Library

Philip - Octavia Girl


Quinn - If I Tie U Down


Rylan - Kiss of Tragedy

Roan - The Blood That Flows

Rachel - Behind His Mask

Rhuk - If Diamonds Could Talk

Rin/Ringlet - If I Tie U Down

Raylynn - Sleeping Prince

Ryatt - Octavia Girl

Rennett - Octavia Girl

Rossi - Octavia Girl

Raif - Tiny Wishes

Ricky/Richenda - The Land of Umbrellas


Seth/Sethos - Kiss of Tragedy

Sweeper - The Blood That Flows

Schroder - The Blood That Flows

Sarah - Behind His Mask

Serissa - Behind His Mask

Sarafina - Behind His Mask

Serena - Behind His Mask

Steve (Skull Boy) - His 16th Face

Salinger - Hidden Library

Shannon - If I Tie U Down

Simon - If I Tie U Down

Stonic - Sleeping Prince

Sherman - Sleeping Prince

Sardius - Octavia Girl

Smoothie - Octavia Girl

Scion - Octavia Girl


Taylor - Kiss of Tragedy

Tate - The Blood That Flows

Tawnee - Kiss of Tragedy

Tremor - Behind His Mask

Trevor - Rose Red

Trinity - His 16th Face

Tallis - If I Tie U Down

Tiffany - If I Tie U Down

Todd - If I Tie U Down

Theology - Sleeping Prince

Tanya - Sleeping Prince

Testament - Sleeping Prince

Tuton - Sleeping Prince

Tiffania - Beauty of Ares

Temptic - Octavia Girl

Torsten - The House With Two Halves

Trevor - Tiny Wishes

Trip - Born in January



Valance - Behind His Mask

Veda - Hidden Library

Vantz - Beauty of Ares

Vash - Octavia Girl


Wystan - Rose Red

Wyn/Wyntessa - Tiny Wishes




Zaphier - Rose Red

Friday, July 12, 2024

Octavia Girl Vol. IV

Hi Ink Drinkers, 

Let's talk about Octavia Girl Vol. IV.  Soo.... I am not really ready to release this.  If I lived in a perfect world, I wouldn't release it.  I have a complete manuscript, but... I'd really rather sit on it for a few months, edit the hell out of it, and release it then.  Except... I'm getting a little flack from my readers.  

In response to impatient readers, I have to say:

1. I could write a volume of Octavia Girl once a year for the rest of my life, but if you're all going to explode between release dates... I'd rather not.

2. I'm not getting paid for this.

3. I want to ban impatient readers.  I'm not talking about 'I'm so excited for your next book!  When's it coming out?'  I mean explosions blaming me for having an incomplete series.  'I never read incomplete series and if I'd had any idea that yours was incomplete, I never would have read it.  You have wasted my time and ruined my life and now I wish you would just ^*&."

4. As if all this isn't hard enough..

I don't want to release this book.  If you're thinking that I'm being bullied into releasing it now, that is only partly true.  There are other problems.

Problems like:

1. This is it for the covers.  The artist who did the pictures of Jenna (didn't know she was making pictures of Jenna) and I've run out of pictures from her collection of a girl who looks enough like Jenna to squeak by with my graphic design skills.  I had to give the girl on the fourth cover a nose job so she'd look enough like the girl on the front of the first book.  We've also run dry on possible covers from the artist who did the backgrounds.  It was quite difficult to stitch this fourth cover together and I don't know if I could do a fifth cover without massively sacrificing quality.

2. There hasn't been enough interest for me to have reasonable belief that the average reader will be interested beyond the fourth book.  Normally, I say that if a book has earned 4k hits, it's been worth it.  Well, Octavia Girl earned the necessary number of hits on Royal Road, but not on any of the other sites where it was hosted.  It just hasn't been popular enough.  My Sleeping Beauty Inc. series has been popular enough on all platforms to warrant it's continuance.  Octavia Girl is a weird genre.  It may need time to get more readers and maybe it'll get the necessary popularity after it's complete, but by then I will have moved on.  Oh, the irony.

3. If I pause and pursue other projects, I'll come back to Octavia Girl and I'll have no idea what I had in mind, what I was doing, where I was going, Sardius will have left me and I'll have to dedicate myself to studying my own books in order to finish.  It's better to push myself now than lose all that I've worked for in a haze of forgetfulness.

Octavia Girl Vol. IV will be the last book.

It has to be.  At the end the series will be around 240k.  That's a beast and I don't have the kind of brain that wants to just work on one thing.  I want to work on lots of things, so I don't know if I'll ever even write another series like this in the future.  

I hope you all enjoy this last bit.  I think it's good.  I'm happy with my final draft.  I just wish I had a bit more time to stew over it before I release it.  There will be very little stewing.  I'm releasing it chapter by chapter on Thursdays on the following sites:

Royal Road:





Dictionary of Characters

Sometimes, I think something like what I'm about to do would be useful, so I have made these before, but this time I'm going to post...