Isn’t it funny how cupcakes are suddenly so popular? Personally, I think it’s because all we really need to do is ice them and then stick a couple googly eyes on for decoration and TA DA! We have a dessert that is too cute for most females to eat. Needless to say, I put other things on mine. It’s for a wise and glorious purpose, I assure you.
Actually, I just wanted to show off how much I love my creepy syringe cake decorator’s handy work. This is what goth girls do – we make something and then find some way to think about it in a morbid way. Like the other day, I was making up cook books with this gal (she doesn’t know me very well). The books we made had dark purple brocade covers with shiny purple ribbon ties holding them together. I said they looked great – like books of death. Her expression was priceless. My husband picks up a book, flips to a random recipe, “Yeah, that could kill you.” He understands me.Actually, I’m not that much of a goth. At least, I don’t live like a goth. I like life affirming things. But I do like making three-eyed stuffies and pillows with eyes and ears. Besides, if it wasn’t for creative impulses, life would probably be unbearable.
Anywoo – I like cupcakes and I have tried to make some cute ones out of felt. Mercy – that has been so uncool. I bought this little cupcake kit from a dollar store to see if I could make mine look as cute as the picture. If only it hadn’t been such a disaster. For starters, they didn’t give me the right kind of thread, so I threw it out and used my own. Secondly, they sent the least amount of felt that they could, so every stitch had to be perfect or it would look terrible. And lastly, it was a stuffie, with absolutely no purpose. They didn’t even include googly eyes. I don’t like crafts with no purpose. So, I tossed the whole thing out and tried to make my own pattern. That didn’t turn out right either. I wanna go to plushie school!
So, to comfort myself – real cupcakes that look the way they’re supposed to. Yeah, I’m going to eat all of these myself. Ha!
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